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In this blog, I discuss various aspects regarding gun violence in America. Specifically, I talk about many of the stances held by those on both sides of the issue, and whether or not I agree with them. I also discuss a few solutions to the problem and whether or not they are realistically applicable. To be taken to the blog itself, click on the title of the individual post.

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"The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." This is a commonly held theory which is often cited as justification for looser gun regulations. In this post, I discuss various reasons why even though it may make a good slogan, it does not make a particularly accurate theory. In this post, I explain why, realistically, a good guy with a gun is not an effective way to stop a bad guy with one. It is simply unrealistic to expect a surprised civilian to quickly and efficiently take down an active shooter without causing collateral damage.

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This post discusses whether or not people should be allowed to carry guns on campuses. This is a topic of considerable debate, with proponents saying that it would deter potential shooters while others believe that it would simply provide more incentive to bring deadly weapons onto school grounds. Some of the arguments I make in the "Good Guy With a Gun" post are duplicated here; namely the idea that an untrained civilian with a gun is not actually an efficient answer to an active shooter.

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Perhaps the basis of the entire argument over gun control is whether or not the access to guns should be a right or a privilege. In this entry I run through some of the most popular arguments for why gun ownership is a right and explain why I think that they are incorrect. Finally, I give my own take on the issue and why I think that, from both a logical and a moral standpoint, the ownership of a gun is a privilege that must be earned.

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